
Taken from the pages of Know Your People by Liam Silvermane

“The Aasimar are said to be touched by the presence of angels, but we know that isn’t true. We know that they are descendants of humans that made a pact with their deities. Imbued with a divine presence, Aasimar make invaluable friends, and a damning enemy.”

Image result for aasimar

Image taken from https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Aasimar

Image result for aasimar

Image taken from https://syrik.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/aasimar-race-info

Image result for aasimar

Image taken from https://funnyjunk.com/channel/dungeons-n-drags/Aasimar/haksLun/

Aasimar. Aasimar are humans, who in contradiction to Tieflings have angelic blood. they tend to have markings that depict their angelic/godly bloodline. and are

Image taken from https://funnyjunk.com/channel/dungeons-n-drags/Aasimar/haksLun/

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